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US Estate Tax Concerns for Non-US Persons Update

USTAXFS税务总监Patrick Hoza为非美国人提供了最新的美国遗产税问题.
Estate tax

美国不仅对其公民和居民征收遗产税,而且对拥有美国本土资产的非居民也征收遗产税. So, what might be taxable? 非居民外国人(nra)对某些类别的美国资产征税. The following is a list of some of the most common types:

  • US situs real property (Treasury Reg. 20.2104-1 (a)(2))
  • Shares in US corporations (IRC 2106(a)). As an aside, shares in a foreign corporation, 即使公司在美国有实质性利益和不动产,也不被视为美国境内资产.
  • Shares in a US registered investment fund (“RIC”) including mutual funds or, 在美国注册成立的以公司形式组织的共同基金(只要共同基金资产位于美国)
  • Tangible personal property such as jewellery, cars, artworks, etc. (Treasury Regulation 20.2104-1 (a)(2))
  • 然而,对美国伙伴关系的兴趣,可能需要进行一些警告和分析.
  • Certain trusts owned by the deceased holding US situs assets.
  • Bank accounts connected to a US trade or business. However, 与美国贸易或企业无关的美国普通银行账户不被视为遗产税的美国本土资产.
  • Cash in a deposit box located in the US (IRC 2104(c))

What exemptions are available?
Having established what assets are chargeable to US estate tax, 然后,执行人必须确定它们的值,并检查是否存在存档要求.

The US allows an exemption from taxation of $60,000 for the estates of NRAs. 与美国签订遗产税协定的国家的居民的遗产可能会受益于增加的豁免. 瑞士就是一个与美国签订遗产税协定的国家. 该条约允许美国公民根据美国本土资产享有部分赠与税和遗产税豁免,而不是全球资产. For 2023, this exemption stands at $12,920,000. However, 如果国会不通过立法阻止这一豁免金额的减少,这一数额将在2026年减少. This could reset the exemption back to what it was in 2017, $5,000,000 (but to be indexed for inflation), which, while still a hefty amount, 远低于目前的水平,并将把更多的非居民遗产带入美国的非居民遗产税陷阱.

对于转移给美国公民配偶的美国境内资产,可以享受无限的豁免. If the spouse is an NRA, 可以设立一种称为合格国内信托(Qualified Domestic Trust)的特殊工具,允许将应缴纳的遗产税推迟到未亡配偶死亡或从信托中支付资本之后.


What are the filing requirements?
如果遗产需要缴纳美国税,则需要在死亡之日起9个月内提交706-NA表. An extension effective for six months is available by filing Form 4768. 罚款和利息可以适用于没有合理原因的迟交申报表.

此外,还存在延长遗产税缴纳期限的可能性. 这与文件扩展的时间是分开的,需要满足某些因素. 否则,逾期付款罚款和利息将适用于到期余额.

What taxes are payable?

What credits/exemptions are available?
美国不允许在其他国家支付的遗产税有全国步枪协会的抵免. However, 被继承人的当地司法管辖区可能允许根据当地法律或与美国签订的遗产税条约支付的美国遗产税抵免.

What are the Executors’ concerns?
The executor, while generally not legally liable for paying an estate’s tax debt, 如果他们没有按时报税或缴纳税款,他们是否要承担罚款和利息. 在向其他债权人付款或将遗产税财产转让给受益人之前,遗嘱执行人应始终确认遗产能够支付其全部纳税义务. 如果遗嘱执行人在分配资产方面的疏忽导致遗产无法支付自己的税款,遗嘱执行人可能要对税单负责.

What recourse does the IRS have?
If estate taxes are unpaid, 国税局可以追讨已经分配给受益人的资产. 这是因为所得税责任附属于遗产的资产.

How do I obtain an estate tax closing letter and what is it?
银行或经纪账户有时要求在资金分配之前出具结帐函. 这封信是由美国国税局制作的,并确认遗产的必要文件已经完成和接受,并且支付了任何应缴的税款.

The process for obtaining a closing letter has changed. In the past, you could request the letter when filing form 706NA. However, due to changes, the IRS requires a request to be made via the Pay.gov website. 另外,在提交706NA表格9个月后才可以申请. There is a $67 fee required.

Are there planning opportunities available to mitigate estate taxes?
2008年资产价格崩盘后,美国股市和房地产市场所提供的价值,吸引了许多nra增加对美国的敞口. 规划涉及成立非美国公司或使用信托持有美国本土资产的机会,可能有助于减轻或避免美国遗产税的影响. 具体计划取决于每个人的具体情况,我们鼓励您与美国税务部门联系 & Financial Services to discuss your case.

Are there penalties to be worried about?
The short answer is, yes! There are late filing and late payment penalties that can apply. That being said, 美国国税局确实明白,这是大多数外国遗嘱执行人不了解的法律领域. 有一个程序可以要求减轻部分或全部处罚,这就是所谓的合理原因裁定. This is generally filed after receiving notice of penalties from the IRS.

If you have any questions regarding your tax planning, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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